Since ever, sustainability has been a very important aspect in Longleaf’s mission. The silk itself is obtained from protein secretions of silkworms. These secretions go solidifying, thus creating the cocoon’s fibers. So, our production is highly environmentally friendly, with low environmental impact. The company is also always careful about the news from the market. This is why the company decided to focus on LENZING™ ECOVERO™, a revolutionary fiber obtained from processing the wood pulp through a circular sustainable process. It is an eco-responsible viscose, produced through a system which allows a 50% reduction of environmental releases and water consumption.

GOTS certification
The meticulous work carried out over the years allowed the company to obtain the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) from ICEA. This is the highest standard in the world for organic fibers, which allows to check the compliance with the organic production requirements of the entire textile supply chain and the environmental / social responsibility.

REACH Standard
Materials are also subjected to accurate analysis by certified Italian laboratories, thus granting the compliance with REACH standards, the integrated legislation about registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals, which aims to ensure a higher level of protection for the human health and for the environment, aiming at the same time to keep and strengthen competitiveness and innovation capacity of European chemical industry.